Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Meaning of Thansgiving

according to Wednesday Addams:

Thanks are due to Paul Krugman:

What to do with that sweater . . .

You know, the one Grandma knitted for you and it's waaay too big . . .

Friday, November 27, 2009

Swab a Cheek, Save a Life

Today, while on his way to Bellfountain to assist his ailing father, John saw a woman walking south out of town. He spotted her again later that day, while out shopping for his parents, and noticed the big yellow sign on her back, urging people to register as bone marrow donors.

He stopped and asked her about what she was doing, and learned that she was Jeana Moore, who was walking from Seattle to Los Angeles to publicize the need for marrow donors to save the lives of severely ill people like her granddaughter.

Well, yes, that does sound like a good idea.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Don't Want the Bacon

"...what we want is a piece of the Rhine."

Fondly remembered from among George Burt's collection of 78s.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LEGO Farm Equipment Pictures 3

LEGO Farm Equipment Pictures 2

LEGO Farm Equipment Pictures

LEGO Farm Equipment

Kathe and John went to the Willamette Valley Ag Expo, because it is fun to look at great big pieces of farm equipment. Besides that, it is also fun to look at teensy pieces of farm equipment made out of LEGOs!

Watching the Tube

First thing in a long time that's tempted us to watch broadcast TV:

We gave up the cable a long time ago (can't get reception in Corvallis without it), and haven't missed it really. It seems that we can get most things we want to watch from the library, and the rest from the video rental places.

The Sad Tuba

A handy sound effect to add when responding to a really embarrassing FAIL:


Welcome to our new blog, which we have started so that people who don't want to hear from us don't have to hear from us, while those who do, can.

We'll be posting things we see on the internet or in the newspaper and miscellaneous thoughts (our thoughts are very miscellaneous). Our subject matter will be almost anything, maybe not in the best of taste, but nothing too raunchy. We'll save that for another venue.

Okay, here goes: